
He is very playful, sweet, curious and loves people and giving kisses. He is a lilac merle and carries cocoa. He passed is Embark Dna health testing with flying colors.



Paisley is very sweet and friendly and loves water and playing outside. She is a cream with red and carries lilac. She has been DNA health tested thru Embark and passed with flying colors. She weights 25 pounds.


Riddick, is a love he is a favorite of our puppies and all of our dogs. He loves car rides. He is very outgoing & easy going. He is a very handsome Orange Color. He has been tested thru Embark and passed with flying colors. He is 30 pounds. His heart, hips & Elbows has been OFA certified by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals.

Riddick playing with his puppies


Blueberry is very playful, sweet and Sassy. She is blue and carries lilac & chocolate. She is 20 pounds. embk.me/blueberry51

Videos of our Parents & past puppies.

Visit our YouTube channel for lots more fun videos.

Heneker Retired & found a new home in Boise

Heneker, loves people and playing. He is very sweet.🐾He is blue and carries lilac. His😍 heart,hips,and elbows have certified by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. He also has been Dna health tested thru Embark and passed with flying colors. 🥰 He is 30 pounds. embk.me/henker

Retired & living in Wyoming :)

Hydra is very sweet, friendly and laid back. She is Heneker's sister and is a blue pied that carries lilac. Her Heart, spine and elbows have been x-rayed and found to be good.

Magnolia Retired @ Magnum French Bulldogs

Magnolia, is a Merle colored French Bulldog. She, Is very sweet, Athletic and very cuddly. She is 26 pounds. Magnolia Passed with flying colors on her health testing. Her hips, elbows, and heart have been tested and OFA certified. She also has been DNA Health tested thru Embark here is a link to her results. https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/magnolia5 The only Colors recognized by the AKC Are *Color: Acceptable colors: white, cream, fawn (ranging from light fawn to a red fawn) Please visit our frequently asked questions page for more information or the AKC's website. We feel Honesty is the Best Policy. Some Breeders lie to the AKC for their paperwork we will not. The Embark test shows Magnolia is 100% French Bulldog.